On July 8, 2023, the Master of Biomedical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University (FK UNDIP), organized a community service event titled “Stay Active and Healthy in the Twilight Years.” This event resulted from collaboration between the Master of Biomedical Sciences, the Republic of Indonesia Wredatama Association Branch Semarang Selatan, and the Indonesian Oncology Association Branch Semarang. The community service took place at the Aula Balai Kelurahan Lamper Kidul, Jl. Durian Barat No. 31, Semarang.

The reasons for conducting this community service include several important objectives:

  1. Participation in PWRI Activities: The Master of Biomedical Sciences at FK UNDIP actively participated in activities organized by the Republic of Indonesia Wredatama Association (PWRI) as a manifestation of support for PWRI’s efforts to improve the well-being of the elderly.
  2. Improving the Health Status of the Elderly Population: The primary goal of this community service is to enhance the health status of the elderly population in the Semarang Selatan region.
  3. Providing Knowledge about Staying Active and Healthy in the Twilight Years: Through this initiative, the Master of Biomedical Sciences at FK UNDIP aims to provide knowledge to the elderly about the importance of staying active and healthy to maintain their quality of life.
  4. Introduction Efforts by the Master of Biomedical Sciences at FK UNDIP: The community service serves as one of the efforts by the Master of Biomedical Sciences at FK UNDIP to introduce themselves to the community, highlighting their role in supporting public health.
  5. Assisting Government Programs in Elderly Healthcare Services: By involving the elderly and members of PWRI, this activity is expected to assist government programs in realizing improvements in the quality and quantity of healthcare services for the elderly.

The series of community service activities include blood pressure and blood sugar checks, as well as a dialogue with healthcare practitioners on the importance of staying active and healthy in the twilight years. Speakers providing insights during this event include:

  • Dr. dr. C. H. Nawangsih Prihharsanti, Sp.Rad.Sp.Onk.Rad
  • Dr. dr. Neni Susilaningsih, MSi
  • Dr. Edmond Rukmana Wikanta, M.Si.Med., Sp.B.Subsp.-Onk(K)
  • Niken Puruhita, M.Med.Sc., SpGK(K)

A question and answer session with members of the Republic of Indonesia Wredatama Association in the Semarang Selatan District will provide an opportunity for the community to interact directly with healthcare practitioners.

This community service is expected to provide tangible benefits to the health and well-being of the elderly population in the Semarang Selatan region, serving as a positive example of collaboration between higher education institutions, community organizations, and the government in efforts to enhance overall quality of life.