
Currently, the MIB FK UNDIP Study Program has student workplaces in the Study Program main building and in the Faculty building. In student workplaces, each student has 1 chair, 1 desk and connection to the internet.

The MIB library room is a 4×5 meter room located on the 1st Floor of the UNDIP Postgraduate Building, equipped with air conditioner, 3 computers and a bookcase containing text books, international magazines, accredited national professional magazines, biomedical student theses, and educational videos and equipped with an internet connection with a speed of 50 Mbps where students can access free wifi in terms of browsing  for journals and electronic books, there is an e-library facility so that students can access resources more easily. In the library room there is a table along with computer devices that have been connected to internet access and printer machines that can be accessed by all computer devices.

There is also a student workspace to support the learning process on the 1st Floor of the UNDIP Postgraduate Building which is equipped with air conditioner, 2 computers with a 50 Mbps internet connection where students can access free wifi and are connected to a printer machine that can be accessed by all computer devices. The network available in Faculty building is a network from university.