Metabolic Disorder, Cardiovascular and Aging Research Cluster
Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute
WEBINAR SERIES – Innovations in Aging Science
Session #4
“Longevity Myth: Do We Really Live Longer or It Just a Logical Fallacy?”
A common hypothesis mentions that every organism in the world will become old and die. However, Is aging universal? some animals may not become age and can live longer. In parallel with this issue, centenarian people in Japan also live longer and reach exceptional longevity without getting any comorbid.
In this webinar, we are inviting Professor Joao Pedro Magalhaes PhD from Birmingham University (United Kingdom), with expertise in genomics in aging, who will talk about the comparative genomic of long-lived animals through bioinformatic and machine learning approaches, and the future strategies to translate his finding for extending lifespan in human.
We are also inviting Professor Yasumichi Arai, MD, PhD from Keio University, Japan who will give his perspective on the clinical and molecular phenotype of Centenarian people in Japan and the possibility to apply their secret to the Elderly population in Indonesia.
Speaker :
1. Prof. João Pedro de Magalhães, Ph.D (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom): (
2. Prof. Yasumichi Arai, MD, Ph.D (Keio University, Japan): (
Host & Moderator : dr. Agian Jeffilano Barinda, Ph.D (Metabolic Disorder, Cardiovascular & Aging Research Cluster – IMERI)
Virtual Meeting via ZOOM
Wednesday, August 24th, 2022
04.00 – 05.30 p.m. [GMT +7]
More info
Whatsapp: 0859-2212-4484 (Budi)